Jennifer Wells

Metalsmith/Jewelry Artist

Hello, I’ve been working as a studio metalsmith/ jeweler and educator for about 15years. In this time, I’ve moved all over the U.S, holding multiple positions at Universities and Craft School and artist residencies at Arrowmont, Pocosin and Jentel. Each was a unique experience which informed not only my making, but also how I exist in the studio. Then, about 7 years ago I relocated permanently to Italy. Since then, I’ve rebuilt my studio practice and begun anew in Europe. In addition to my studio practice, which now takes on more commission requests; I curate the PlusOne Exhibition of contemporary enamel jewelry, currently in its fifth year, and teach workshops. These moves, especially the last one have, have given me the opportunity to learn how to be flexible in my practice and to build my studio whereverI am. With each move I’ve maneuvered, gained new skills and deepened my studio practice. All of which I pull on to inform my teaching and making. You could say, creative problem solving is a favorite hobby of mine. The opportunity to be a mentor for Cohorts, is one I'm very excited and grateful to have. I look forward to having an entire year of working together to develop each person’s studio practice and creating a community of trust and support that will help to drive each participant towards their goals. This time together allows for me to fully understand each participant’s goals and needs and allows me and the participant the time to follow through, without the need to rush; offering the space to grow and expand each person’s studio practice. Asking the questions, providing the technical, conceptual and community support, building the trust... the Cohorts way.